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More Joghurt products from Marke Milram can improve their work. Der Hersteller rät urgent vom Verzehr ab. Here are the details of the Rückruf:
Dortmund – The DMK Group is working on more Joghurt-Produkte zurück. Who is in the press conference? Rückruf heißt, sollen diese während der Restellung verunreinigt be sein.
The Fremdkörper in dem Joghurt – “single, small metal pieces” – can be taken care of by the repairer and “possible risks for the consumers”.
Die in de zurückgerufenen Products enthaltenen Metallstücke kan Verletzungen und Zähnen, Zahnfleisch or in Rachen verursachen.
The “Gründen des vorbeugenden Verbraucherschutzes” has affected the DMK Group on Waren am 19. November zurückgerufen.
The Marke Milram is particularly affected with three 10-kilogram-Eimern Joghurt, which has since been cleaned.
Reis-Rückruf: Federal Office warns against gefährlichem Gift-Stoff
Urgent care-relief: Bei Symptoms sofort einen Arzt aufsuchen
The affected products are finished in the large kitchen or in other industrial industries. The terms and conditions of the purchase partners were taken into account during the purchase, and you will be able to understand the details later.
Not all the costs of generating yogurt products have been affected by the damage. For processing it is important that the mindesthalt barkeits date of eight is removed.
This Angabe finds its place in the Eimer-Rand. View the article from the Eimer-Boden project “9.2”, with the DMK Group-mitteilt.
Careful controls can simplify life in the trade and reduce health risks.
This autumn, a number of cables can be connected in the Joghurt-Eimer, while the DMK Group must deal with a problem with the affected products. There is a duration of 0.16 millimeters and a length of 0.01 and 2 zentimeters.
In Germany you have the right to a simple and free lifestyle. If one or more of the products used in a 10 kilo jogging product are affected by the Mark Milram, these products may not be used for processing products. The dealer has set the purchase price as a rule at the cash register. (Also interesting: Rückruf-List: These products have been activated).
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